News Letter |16/10/2024

How did you get the job making the apples at the Mill?
After retiring as a corporate trainer in the automotive industry, I offered to help a friend who was making these treats years eight ago. I’ve been dipping apples and having fun ever since. 

Which variety tends to be the most popular?
Our biggest seller is our caramel apples with chopped peanuts. Next is plain caramel. Our red candy apples are back this year and some have colored sprinkles, which the kids love. We’ve also been getting many special orders for oversized apples for events.

What do you love most about the Mill?
We have an amazing group of people running and working at the Mill. We take care of each other and are like a family that looks forward to meeting up a few months each year. My husband and I also work together some days, as he makes the donuts during the week. 

What type of apples are best to dip? 
We use a variety of fresh apples, from MacIntosh to Fuji and more.

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